Saturday, 21 March 2009

New Manchester City Blog Launches

After careful consideration I have decided to launch my very own Manchester City fans blog. By using this vehicle I will have the freedom to venture into completely new avenues, not normally open to me.

My current position as editor of Vital Manchester City will remain, however by using this service I hope to try something different.

One of my aims is to show live video content, preferably City games. I know it's a bone of contention to many but if the demand is there, I aim to please. In addition, one of my other aims to give a new City site a run for it's money. I read that they intend moving the earth in an effort to bring in members. Well, I might have something to say about that!

As editor to Vital Man City, and quite rightly so, I have to run the site by a set of ridged rules. I am not complaining, nevertheless this platform will allow me to be, well shall we say, push the boundaries a little.

This sites template is in it's infancy and no doubt in a few days I'll get bored and change it. If you want to have your say and you come up with a few ideas of your own, please feel free and let me know. In the meantime, I would really appreciate it if you would bookmark this page. Go on, you know you want to.


  1. Looking forward to seeing how this blog develops, anything that has my club's interest at heart has won me.

  2. I intend to please doody. Check back for further blogs.

  3. If it is half as good as the VMC site it will do for me.

  4. Its looking good so far, but not really had time to look round and give you an honest assessment yet.

  5. Hi Tudor

    The site seems to have gone quiet with nothing since March 30th ??????????

  6. Hi Tudor

    I think I must be having problems with my connection to your blog.....I am not seeing much new stuff on it ....April 3rd is latest
